How a powerful gay lobby group orchestrated the Big Business pressure campaign against North Carolina

The media has made a big deal during the last week about various business interests coming out in opposition to the passage of House Bill 2 , North Carolina’s Bathroom Safety and Privacy Bill. These actions have left many across the state and nation befuddled and scratching their heads. Why are some executives with Fortune 1,000 companies and other businesses speaking out against the bill, which essentially reiterates existing state policy and includes a number of overtly pro-business provisions? And why is the president of a national LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) activist group, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), delivering an opposition letter to N.C. Governor Pat McCrory on behalf of these business interests just days after the bill passed? While LGBT activist groups would like for us all to believe this was a spontaneous uprising of indignation among the state and national business community, a closer examination reveals that it is actually part of a carefu...