Pro-LGBT Corporate America strong-arms Kansas into submission

Religious liberty and the best interests of vulnerable children hang in the balance as Corporate America again flexes its immoral unfair muscle to coerce and bully a state into bending to the will of LGBT special interest groups. Apple, Google and Amazon––along with more than 80 other tech companies––have declared their opposition to the Kansas Adoption Protection Act , warning of “dire" economic consequences” if the legislation is enacted. The group of organizations, which calls itself “ TechNet ,” sent Kansas legislators a letter on Friday calling the measure a “license to discriminate.” The proposed legislation is aimed at preventing the state from denying financial aid it would otherwise award to faith-based adoption agencies who, because of their “sincerely held religious beliefs,” choose not to place children in the homes of gays and lesbians. The campaign is orchestrated by the behemoth Washington, DC -based pro-gay lobbying or...