
Showing posts with the label Case law

UK High Court now decides what Christians believe

Image via Wikipedia Following the decision of London’s High Court last week that a Christian couple could be banned from foster care due to their unwillingness to support the homosexual lifestyle, some commentators are pointing out that the decision amounts to a ruling on what is and is not authentic Christian doctrine. The court’s ruling found that Eunice and Owen Johns had not been the victims of religious discrimination when the Derby City Council declined their foster care application, based on the Johns’ alleged inability to “promote diversity.” Despite the Johns’ statement in a conversation with a social worker that their beliefs regarding homosexuality “stemmed from their religious convictions and beliefs,” both the Fostering Panel and the High Court attempted to disassociate the Johns’ religion from their views in support of traditional marriage in order to avoid charges of religious discrimination. According to the Court decision , in a 2007 Panel meeting considering the ...