Christian activist calls out Walmart’s ‘increasing capitulation’ to gay agenda

A prominent Christian activist is sounding the alarm about what he sees as Walmart ’s “increasing capitulation” to the homosexual agenda , and calling on concerned citizens to contact the corporation to complain. Peter LaBarbera , president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), alleged in a press release that Walmart is “going gay” in response to increasing public pressure from homosexual activists, donating thousands of dollars to pro-gay political groups and extending benefits to its employees’ same-sex “domestic partners.” LaBarbera particularly objected to a grant of between $25,000 and $50,000 that the company gave to the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund – a group that funds openly homosexual candidates for political office – and accused Walmart of turning its back on traditional values to pander to a vocal minority of homosexual activists. “Giving corporate dollars to ‘gay/trans’ groups like GLVF helps Walmart increase its score on the rigged ‘ Corporate ...