Baker says no wedding cake to gay bullies

Should a Jewish person be forced to serve a Nazi soldier? In the USA they might be forced or jailed. The Supreme Court is due to consider the case of Jack Phillips , who says his refusal to bake for same-sex weddings is protected by the First Amendment The USA Supreme Court will hear in its term beginning October 2nd is the Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Division, Charlie Craig , and David Mullins . It’s not every day that the justices hear a conflict between a sweets purveyor and both a gay couple and a government agency charged with policing discrimination. But the clash was inevitable. In Obergefell v Hodges , Justice Anthony Kennedy inserted a caveat into his immoral opinion opening marriage laws nationwide to gays and lesbians. These judges took it upon themselves that they had the right to redefine marriage. A small group of un-elected individuals with no authority regarding the foundation and purpose of marriage chose to allow homosexuals...