Why should the Victorian Government force Christian Schools to hire homosexuals

THE VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT WILL DETERMINE - IF CHRISTIAN BELIEFS ARE NEEDED FOR CERTAIN JOBS ....bizarre! Should a cricket club have freedom to appoint persons who share the values of their club? Should a political party have liberty to pre-select individuals who support and will promote their policies? Should not a corporation employ professionals who will abide by the values and vision of that institution? For most of our nation’s history Churches and Governments have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship; understanding their distinct roles while together serving for the good of society. Both have had their failings as well as making enormous contributions to building our society, but Australians have always been careful not to confuse the two. Tomorrow (Tuesday 8th November) this judicious relationship may come to an end as the Victorian Government proposes a hostile takeover of all religious organisations. The Victorian Legislative Council will tomorrow debate an...