Christian student group sues the University of Iowa after they were kicked off campus for refusing to let a gay student become their vice-president

Marcus Miller deceived by the sin of homosexuality lashes out Student group Business Leaders in Christ are suing the University of Iowa after they were de-registered A gay member of the group, Marcus Miller , brought a complaint to the university after he was blocked from becoming their vice-president The group says it will not allow gay students to be leaders, as they must make a statement rejecting homosexuality Miller has since started his own student group , Love Works, which advocates for LGBTQ issue The University of Iowa is caught up in a legal fight with a conservative Christian student group that denied a leadership position to a student who is gay. The case pits a university policy barring discrimination based on sexual orientation against the religious beliefs of a 10-member group called Business Leaders in Christ. The group sued after the state's flagship university in Iowa City revoked its campus registration in November. The group says its membership is open...