Christian who refused to print ‘Gay Pride’ t-shirts gets support from LGBT business owners

LEXINGTON, Kentucky,– A Christian business owner who was targeted for not printing " Gay Pride " t-shirts is getting support from an unlikely ally: lesbian business owners. "No one should be forced to do something against what they believe in. If we were approached by an organization such as the Westboro Baptist Church , I highly doubt we would be doing business with them, and we would be very angry if we were forced to print anti-gay t-shirts," said Diane DiGeloromo, one of two lesbians who owns BMP T -shirts. "This isn't a gay or straight issue. This is a human issue." Issued by Becket Fund for Religious Liberty , DiGeloromo's statement was echoed by her business partner, Kathy Trautvetter. "You put your blood and your sweat and your tears into [your business]" and "it's very personal. ... When I put myself in [Mr. Adamson's] shoes, I could see it from his side," said Trautvetter. Trautvetter and DiGelor...