The Great Transgender Mistake

The great enemy of the radical transgender movement is science. Biological realities can be stubborn, and no amount of human tampering can change those realities. When it comes to compassion, we have plenty of that. We want to see people freed from their internal pain. We want to see them find a resolution for the emotional torment they’re experiencing. We want our friends and co-workers and family members, especially our children, to be happy. But no amount of compassion can change biological and chromosomal realities. That is why the transgender movement is starting to hit a wall. Science is against it. Again, as I’ve stated many times, we’re not talking about those who are intersex. That is, those who suffer from a biological or chromosomal abnormality. We’re talking about biological and chromosomal males who believe they are females or vice versa. Far More Research Needed, Doctors Say Now, physicians in England are speaking up. As the Daily Mail reported on July 6,...