Over 100 ‘religious leaders’ come out against Tennessee bills to defend marriage, religious adoption, separate bathrooms

L eft-wing activists in Tennessee are boasting that more than 100 liberal “religious leaders” have joined their campaign to defeat a series of bills meant to restore natural marriage and protect the religious and privacy rights of adoption agencies, businesses, and schools from pro-LGBT encroachment. Six bills are currently before the state legislature covering a broad range of controversies related to homosexuality and transgenderism, the Nashville Tennessean reported. Taken together, they would allow religious adoption and foster agencies to refuse to place children in same-sex households; forbid local governments from taking “discriminatory action against a business entity” to punish its health insurance, family leave, minimum wage, or anti-discrimination policies; increase punishment for indecent exposure in bathrooms and dressing rooms; direct the state attorney general to defend schools from lawsuits over their refusal to admit gender-confused boys into girls’ restrooms ...