Homosexuality and God's moral law

One of the most popular arguments for the existence of God is the moral argument. It states that God alone makes sense of objective moral values , and since objective moral values exist, then God exists. A large number of people today, including atheists and agnostics, believe in objective moral values. However, they do not agree with the Christian answer to provide a basis for those values. Sometimes looking at what can be considered the Christian answer, I don’t agree with it either. For instance, if someone says, “Murder is wrong because the Bible says so,” I disagree. To see what I am saying, consider if I stated this: “ Jesus was crucified because the Bible says so.” Is the Bible saying so the cause of Jesus being crucified, or was Jesus’ crucifixion the reason the Bible says he was crucified? Just as the Bible writers wrote about objective history that happened before their record of it, so they wrote about objective morality that was known before ...