British Columbia teachers plan to use 'Day of Pink' to teach homosexual indoctrination

The British Columbia Parents and Teachers for Life (BCPTL) organization is warning parents that the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) plans to use the " Day of Pink " to indoctrinate school children with "a pro- homosexuality message." The BCPTL points out that under the heading Day of Pink on its website , the BC Teachers' Federation "pays lip service to preventing the bullying of all students ," then goes on to give suggestions for school activities which "make crystal-clear what they think the objectives of the day ought to be." These activities include focusing on "gender role stereotyping, teasing, and homophobia ." "Discuss the harm of homophobic bullying with primary students," the BC Teachers’ Federation suggests for children as young as five. "Use the BCTF’s 'That’s so Gay!' poster with your class," its website instructs teachers . "Ask students if they have heard the expression on th...