10,000 sign petition urging Disney not to make Frozen’s Elsa a lesbian

More than 10,000 people have signed a petition asking Disney to not depict Elsa as a lesbian in Frozen 2 . Disney is now promoting the sin of homosexuality very openly without regardless to the consequences of this flawed action. From every corner of society, young girls already face confusing and troubling messages about sexuality. Disney is possibly NOT helping if it following this sad petition. The petition platform also gives signers the option to send Disney a postcard expressing their concerns. So far, over 200 postcards have been sent. "Protect the innocence of little girls rather than introducing them to lesbianism and the over-sexed LGBT cause," the petition says. “Please either pair Elsa with a prince in Frozen 2, or don’t create a partner for her at all. Parents don’t want this forced on their kids." The heroine didn’t fall in love with a prince during the first Frozen film, and some suggested the movie had subtly pro-gay ...