LGBT advocates threaten to kill pastor over Bible workshop for sexually confused girls

A pastor of a Detroit -area church along with his family have received death threats, arson threats, and bomb threats from LGBT advocates after advertising a Bible-based workshop for teenage girls struggling with their sexual identity. “A whole bunch of people have come up with this idea that we are offering some sort of conversion-therapy workshop,” Metro City Church Pastor Jeremy Schossau explained on a Feb. 5 YouTube video about the backlash to his church's program titled “ Unashamed Identity .” “As a result of that, we’ve had an unbelievable backlash on social media filled with hate and vulgarity,” Schossau continued. “People have literally threatened to kill me and my family, to burn our house down, to burn our Church down, to assault the people of our Church and our staff,” he said. At one point, the church was receiving as many as 40 voicemail messages a minute from critics of the program. The pastor received messages on social media such as: “Kill y...