Cara threatens Coachella owners citing anti-LGBT but supports Beyonce's performance

"I still refuse to go to a festival that is owned by someone who is anti- LGBT . Don't let anyone come between you and your turth." Those were the words from the idiot Cara Delevingne as she explained her illogical decision to boycott Coachella to her 41million fans on Instagram on Sunday. She loved Beyonce performance at the festival. She then bullied the owners of the festival by seeking to manipulate which charities they personally support. Who does she think she is? It is none of her business. But with 41 million fans she used them for her immoral LGBT agenda . After she bullied and denounced the owners of the festival she then turns and acknowledges how great the festival was with Beyonce! What a hypocrite! But this is standard LGBT policy intimidate, threaten, bully, and lie and abuse anybody who disagrees. The idiot 25-year-old continues to protest taking the high ground, against the charitable values of its billionaire owner Ph...