This is How the Homosexual Activists “Debate” – And This is How Democracy Dies

What debate? What democracy? When Mark Steyn was last in Australia I of course paid close attention to what he had to say and took copious notes. One thing I recorded that especially stood out was this thought: “The Left does not want to win the debate, it wants to shut down the debate.” That is as accurate as you can get. And I know this from firsthand experience. I have been to numerous public meetings on topics such as marriage and family either as a speaker or a listener which the radical leftists and the homosexual activists sought to shut down, disrupt, and/or turn into mayhem. I have more than once even had to run the gauntlet, and be personally escorted into a venue by a line of police who had to keep the raging and hate-filled militants away from us. I have personally experienced being jostled and shoved by the angry activists, had things thrown at me, and abused me with all manner of foul and despicable language – all because I dared to think differently than...