High school gives award to ‘genderqueer and pansexual’ for his ‘personal bravery’

Another high school graduation has been marred by politically correct fecklessness. This time it wasn’t a controversy over a student’s speech that marred the event but instead an award that tainted what should have been a joyous family affair. This year, Deerfield High School on Chicago’s affluent North Shore awarded one of its highest honors, the John F. Kennedy Medal of Honor award, to a student who very publicly “identifies” as “genderqueer and pansexual.” As reported by the Chicago Tribune , “Earning the John F. Kennedy Medal of Honor this year was Sorrel Rosin . Principal Kathryn Anderson said the award is given to a person who demonstrates courage in the pursuit of excellence.” Former principal Audris Griffith described the JFK Medal of Honor as “an award the high school gives out to students exemplifying personal bravery and responsible action.” What did Rosin do to deserve this award? Apparently, he received this award for ident...