Ontario school board considers flying pro-LGBT ‘pride’ flag against policy

A Toronto-area school district is entertaining a request to fly immoral homosexual flags at its Catholic schools to coincide with June’s pro-homosexual “Pride Month.” This comes despite existing policy allowing only the national and provincial flags to be flown at schools. ARE THESE PEOPLE REALLY CATHOLIC WHO SUPPORT THE SIN OF HOMOSEXUALITY? The Peel District School Board heard arguments concerning a request from the gay lobbying group Pride Employee Resource Group (PERG) during its Tuesday meeting, the Toronto Star reports . Pro-homosexual activists reportedly filled the chamber with people wearing pink shirts to visualize support for the flag. The district’s current policy is that only the Canadian or Ontario flags may be flown at any of its 257 schools. But PERG’s Carol Speers, who is also a retired superintendent, argued that Peel should follow in the footsteps of Toronto, Durham, Halton, and York to signal safety and welcomeness to LGBT staff and students. ARE THESE PEOP...