Silencing of Christian teachers has begun - Lesbian witch hunt?

A veteran teacher at an Edmonton Catholic school appears to be the victim of a vicious smear job. Albert Felicitas, who has been a teacher for 32 years and received what he called “glowing endorsements” from students in the past, has now been accused of making “anti-gay” comments as well as pushing his “hatred of abortion.” The accusations have bewildered former students such as 21-year-old Marianne Madrazo, who remembered him “teaching that the Catholic church does not accept the act of homosexuality and that it is a sin, but felt he was accepting of all his students.” So in other words, teaching the orthodox Christian view of sexuality in a religion class. His accusers, however, are waxing creative in their accusations, claiming that Felicitas has made the following statements: That homosexuals are “incapable of love” and that they “do not deserve love.” And that homosexuals cannot reproduce. (The fact that two men or two women cannot naturally reproduce children, of co...