Amazon adds special LGBT facts to virtual assistant Alexa for sinful ‘Pride’ month

Amazon is among the many companies signalling their support for the homosexual agenda, by updating their Alexa smart speaker with a collection of special “facts” for LGBT Pride Month. SINFUL HOMOSEXUAL PRIDE MARCH SUPPORTED BY AMAZON The internet-connected voice assistant device now offers more than 90 items on “queer history, politics, arts, and entertainment” in response to “Alexa, tell me a Pride fact,” Pink News reports . The move is the result of a collaboration between the company’s LGBT employee group Glamazon and the left-wing lobbying group Human Rights Campaign (HRC). The new information includes statistics such as the number of countries that recognize same-sex “marriage” and trivia such as the release of the first LGBT pride flag (1978), as well as thinly-veiled advertising for HRC, highlighting events such as its yearly Time to THRIVE Conference and National Coming Out Day. SINFUL HOMOSEXUAL PRIDE MARCH SUPPORTED BY AMAZON “The partnership is an exciting opportun...