LGBT advocacy groups combine with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) tp push gay agenda

NOM recently filed an important legal brief in three critical cases pending before the US Supreme Court in which LGBT activists are seeking to redefine the term "sex" under federal law to include "sexual orientation" and "gender identity." This is a hugely important issue because if gay, lesbian and transgender activists prevail, the rule of law will be turned on its head and they will succeed in imposing major elements of their extreme agenda on the American people, especially people of faith. These cases are also a perfect illustration of how critical policy battles intersect on multiple paths, and show the importance of NOM's work across the judicial, legislative and administrative avenues. At the core of each of these cases are actions undertaken by a commission of the executive branch of government, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). For years, the EEOC has been an activist agency seeking to expand its jurisdiction over cla...