NUTty: Sex ed courses must make ‘positive’ portrayal of gay sex ‘compulsory,’ National Union of Teachers says

LONDON , April 7, 2015 – The British government must “make it compulsory that all schools’ sex education policies include a positive portrayal of same-sex relationships," the UK's National Union of Teachers (NUT) decided at its annual conference on Sunday. Christine Blower , General Secretary of the union, said that “NUT is at the forefront in the campaign for equality of opportunity and fair treatment for all students and staff, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation,” and that all political parties contending in the May election should adopt the union's motion. "The NUT calls for all parties standing in the 2015 General Election to show their commitment to tackling the discrimination faced by both LGBT students and teachers in schools by following the 10-point action plan outlined in the motion. This includes making it compulsory for all schools’ sex education policies to include a positive portrayal of same sex relationships, promoting LGB...