African Anglican archbishop vows to never let the West impose a ‘godless secular culture’

The Anglican Communion is headed for another worldwide standoff over homosexuality. Nigerian Archbishop Josian Idowu-Fearon, the secretary general of the global Anglican Communion, has drawn a line in the sand, vowing that he and African faithful will never accept same-sex "marriage" as legitimate or biblical. The archbishop has rebuffed Western ridicule characterizing the African Anglicans as behind the times, flatly stating that African churches are progressive precisely because they refuse to kowtow to liberal Western immorality but instead live according to "the will of God in the kingdom of God, which is the real future for humanity that measures all human progress." Idowu-Fearon complained that the poorer Anglican churches are being "swept aside by a campaign to change the church’s teaching on marriage and so-called rights of equality." In an address to the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa, he announced, "We will not crumb...