CNN Pope Don Lemon informs the Catholic Church that "God is not about judging people"

CNN is clown town -His Holiness Pope Lemon the First has a proclamation for all the faithful: Almighty God has no interest in judging people. "The Catholic Church and many other churches really need to reexamine themselves and their teachings, because that is not what God is about," said his Grace. "God is not about hindering people or even judging people." He went on to say that we should interact with people who are different from ourselves. Oh, and that we need to do what the Bible and Jesus "actually" say, which is to never judge anyone or anything! "Instead of having the Church hinder you... go out and have a barbecue and meet people and start breaking bread with people and getting to know them," concluded Lemon, who is totally known for his welcoming stance toward everyone, especially conservatives. His Eminence has spoken! He who dwells in unapproachable light apparently doesn't care what we do, say, or believe! All people can re...