If we can fall for the idea that a man can "marry" another man, we can fall for anything.

Any society which can so quickly fall for something like the normalization of a man “marrying” another man will soon fall for anything and everything. Pedophilia, bestiality, polygamy, Communism, Nazism, Seriously, why not? If we can’t defend marriage from this assault then everything, and I mean everything is up for grabs. It signals a dangerous direction for such a society. Our enemies will be sitting back waiting for us to self-destruct, which we will. If you remove the foundations from a house, the house can no longer stand. It is that simple. The rapid speed with which homosexual “marriage” has bullied its way into Western societies and found limited resistance is just the beginning. If we can offer no answers against this surely we can offer no answers against anything. As proof of this, the 2015 “Woman of the Year” is a man named Bruce! Say no more. Reality has left the West. In our society’s attempt to become “secular” and to rebel against God, we have not really gotten ...