Boring lesbian agenda movie

Friday was the big day for Lovesong , a(nother) bittersweet lesbian romance that drew mixed reviews when it debuted at last year’s Sundance film festival . Its makers have waited until now for its commercial release. Is Lovesong the lesbian Brokeback Mountain ? Even Brokeback Mountain was not the Brokeback Mountain it was billed to be. By its release a decade ago, Hollywood had already become famously homosexual (I recall around that time asking someone for the time in a West Hollywood McDonald’s — and five (very buff) guys answered instantly). But America is not West Hollywood. Brokeback did not usher in a new era of similarly mainstream, big budget, big star, homosexual blockbusters. It was a one-off. The audience it found consisted of people who had come to believe that homosexuality is acceptable. People have similarly been conditioned to believe that abortion is acceptable. Yet 90 percent of obstetrician/gyne...