Gay men want to go to women's toilet and dressing rooms?

All across the country, radical LGBT extremists are demanding that men be treated as if they were women if the men decide they "identify" as a woman at a particular moment. This has led to girls and women being confronted by biological males in the most intimate of facilities — showers, locker rooms and restrooms . Needless to say, such a situation is a grave violation of privacy and raises very serious security and safety concerns. When given the opportunity, voters have soundly rejected these "transgender bathroom bill" policies but the LGBT extremists have used their power to get gutless politicians to cave in to their demands. That is what happened in Charlotte, NC when the City Council voted to risk the privacy and security of girls and women to placate the political demands of the LGBT extremists. Fortunately, the North Carolina General Assembly and Governor Pat McCrory put their feet down and said "enough is enough" to these dangerous poli...