If gays are so tolerant, why are they disrupting an Ex-‘gay’ conference?

Anyone who’s been in the pro-life and pro-family movement for any length of time is familiar with the Left’s hypocritical, one-way approach toward “Diversity” and “Inclusion.” It’s all about tolerance and diversity for THEM but not for their critics. Such “reverse intolerance” is on display again this weekend in San Diego, with as many as 1,000 pro- LGBTQ protesters expected to converge on a Christian ex-“gay” conference designed to help and uplift men and woman seeking to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction . The stated goal of at least some of the protesters is to disrupt the Restored Hope Network (RHN) conference, representing the largest coalition of ex-homosexual ministries in the world. (A previous ex-gay umbrella group, Exodus International , collapsed after its leaders moved away from the Bible’s teachings against homosexual behavior.) In a press release , RHN says that it “has been on the frontlines of helping people overcome ho...