School stops enSchool stops enforcing Obama’s trans bathroom policy after parents pulled kids out

A Michigan school district has stopped the practice of allowing members of one biological sex to use the restrooms of the opposite sex after parents pulled their two sons out of elementary school over the issue. Last week, Matt Stewart's nine-year-old son told him, "There was a girl in the boys’ bathroom " with him and other male elementary kids. When Stewart called the school, the principal told him the Obama administration's federal guidance on transgender students forced them to allow transgender students in the bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers of their chosen gender, and not their biological sex. Violating the policy means losing federal funding. Stewart talked it over with his wife, and they decided to take their sons out of Southwest Elementary School in Howell, Michigan . Now, after publicly complaining that parents should have been consulted, Stewart says, "over the last few days they have actually changed their positions.” Howell...