Poland’s bishops denounce Soros-funded campaign against Church over homosexuality

Polish homosexual activists launched a campaign Let Us Offer Each Other the Sign of Peace. It met with widespread criticism in the Catholic media and a clear response from the Church’s hierarchy. Posters showing a handshake — one hand with a rainbow bracelet symbolizing LGBT people and the other with a rosary on the wrist — were supposed to create a positive message. “However, the campaign could seem innocent only to people who don’t know social context nor global LGBT movement,” Michał Barcikowski from the Christianitas magazine told polskieradio.pl. The vocal and active Campaign Against Homophobia (CAH) organized the campaign. Two other groups — Tolerado, and Faith and Rainbow — joined them. CAH regularly threatens people with lawsuits and attacks the freedom of belief and religion in courts. Now, in its latest campaign, Let Us Offer Each Other the Sign of Peace, it discusses Christian values and the “necessity of respect.” The organizers wrote on their website that...