
Showing posts with the label Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate

Homosexuals blame God for their sin

Aldous Huxley, Famous Last Words (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum. Illustration from photograph © 1999 Greg Reeder. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Many people who experience same-sex attraction come to believe and adamantly claim that they were “born that way.” That would mean God intended for them to accept their  homosexual orientation  and adopt a gay identity, right? The short answer is “No!” But clearly the reigning sentiment in our society is that homosexuality – attractions, orientation, identity and behavior – is genetic. In both news and entertainment programs this idea is often stated as fact, as something that all intelligent people believe. One reason for this is the pressure applied by powerful special interest groups.  The Wall Street Journal  reported on August 12, 1993, that to suggest that current biological-cause theories are unsubstantiated is to risk one’s career. New York psychiatrist William Byne said, “I’m told my criticism is...