Is what people do in private - none of our business?

The people pushing this corrupted version of sexuality have painted a rather compelling picture of the goal they say they’re after. They want a society where everybody just happily gets along no matter what people are doing to one another in the sexual sphere . They may even claim to be Christians - even though they may live together. They use IVF as naturally homosexual and lesbian relations are by nature -barren. They’re after a sexual utopia where anything goes. They want inclusion, diversity, acceptance, and safe schools. But there’s one problem they’ve encountered. To get to this sexual utopia, they first have to stamp out every voice that has a version of sexuality that opposes the one they’re championing . See where this is going? Let’s call these people gay activists . They push a pansexual version of sexuality where anybody is free to do whatever they want, however they want, and with whomever they want. They rather can’t stand ...