Apostate Christians - Homosexual Marriage

In an interview this week, Christian best-selling author Eugene H. Peterson said he would be willing to officiate at a same-sex marriage . In saying so, he joins a prominent group of Christians whose views on same-sex marriage and LGBT issues have evolved into apostasy. WHAT IS APOSTASY ? The term designating the falling away (Gk. apó “away from” and stásis “rebellion”) from the faith. At 2 Thess. 2:3 Paul (himself once accused by the Jews of apostasy from the Old Testament teachings; Acts 21:21) predicts a general apostasy (“rebellion”; KJV “falling away”) from the gospel of Christ. Subsequently he writes to Timothy that “in later times” some “will depart from the faith” and heed the “doctrines of demons” (1 Tim. 4:1). In many respects his picture of this future event is remarkably similar to Christ’s own prophecy about the spiritual cooling-off of people’s love for God and neighbor (“fall away,” Gk. skandalizō; Matt. 24:10–12). A passage is Heb. 6:4–6, seems...