I’m Thankful ‘Born Gay’ Wasn’t Yet a Dogma When I Looked for Help

On June 8, 2017, Facebook Live featured a prominent Catholic priest , James Martin, S.J. He was promoting his book Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity . Father Martin said : That’s the way God created you. I think almost every psychologist and biologist and scientist would agree on that; and certainly LGBT people will tell you that’s the way they always felt – that they had been created that way. Lady Gaga agrees. She gave this theory its anthem with the 2011 hit “Born This Way.” Activists have codified this claim into a dogma. The origins of homosexuality are now “settled science,” we’re told. One researcher boldly declares : “[W]e’re born this way. Let’s deal with it.” One of the most adamant devotees of the “born gay” theory is Mark Joseph Stern. He covers law and LGBTQ issues for “Slate.” He stated unequivocally : In study after s...