
Showing posts with the label Drag queen

Drag Queen Library storyteller to kids arrested

  Milwaukee County Judge Brett Blomme arrested, faces charges of possession of child pornography Criminal charges are expected to be filed against Blomme on Wednesday. He was arrested in Dane County. Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Brett Blomme was arrested Tuesday on tentative charges of possession of child pornography, the state Department of Justice announced. Blomme, 38, was taken into custody by special agents with the state Division of Criminal Investigation "following an investigation into multiple uploads of child pornography through a Kik messaging application account in October and November 2020," according to a statement. A 44-page search warrant filed Friday by a DCI special agent said investigators found Blomme, using the name "dommasterbb," uploaded 27 videos and images containing child pornography. Two of the files were uploa...

Drag Queen Story Hour UK reveals true colors with ‘love has no age’ tweet

We have been told for several years now that drag queens, at least in the context of teaching and reading stories to little children, are asexual, happy-go-lucky performers providing a service to kids, much like folks in medieval costume reading stories about knights and castles. This is only believable if you really   want   to believe it, but it has also inoculated Drag Queen Story Hour from a series of scandals, from the discovery that one performer had   previously assaulted   an 8-year-old boy; to a   performer   (possibly unintentionally) flashing a room full of children; to drag troupes also   moonlighting   as obscene sexual performers. More than one performer   has been exposed   as a child sex offender.  None of that generally matters because those who claim Drag Queen Story Hour has nothing to do with promoting the LGBT agenda and sexuality in general are lying, and most of them know it. But I’ll be interested to know if ...

Politician defends X-rated drag queen at UK children’s school

The Scottish MP dismissed the controversy, saying critics 'are also the people who run out to buy their kids the latest Grand Theft Auto on release day.' A politician in Scotland is defending an appearance of an X-rated drag queen at a children’s school, saying that parents who have a problem with the event are “homophobic.” Children as young as age four attended the school event featuring a drag-queen named “Flowjob,” who performs regularly on the adult entertainment scene. He has a number of sexually explicit posts on social media and recently admitted to struggling with addiction issues. The local council, while it did not oppose a drag queen’s appearance at the school in principle, after learning of the content on Flowjob’s social media pages apologized and said the visit would not have been arranged had they been aware. But both the school’s headteacher and the local politician who attended the event have praised it. Mhairi Black, a Scottish National Party (SNP) M...

Drag Queen - Brisbane Council Library

A drag queen issued a stern warning to moms who want their kids influenced by drag queens and take them to drag queen library storytime: “Don’t ruin your child’s life.” Brisbane City Council Library administration should take careful notice of what Mr. K. Demure is saying.  The short video was tweeted Saturday by drag queen Kitty Demure, who says that exposing children to drag queens is no different than exposing them to strippers or porn stars.   Demure does not mince words as he questions why any parent could possibly want a child exposed to the sordid world of drag queens.   “What in the hell has a drag queen ever done to make you have so much respect for them, and admire them so much?” asked Demure, “other than put on makeup and jump on the floor and writhe around and do sexual things on stage?” The far-left students of Queensland University piled onto one gay male student who voiced his disapproval of drag queens reading to children in Brisb...

Pastor Arressted - Drag Queen reading at Public Library

A judge has dismissed charges against a Christian pastor in Washington who was arrested after trying to enter a public library in which a Drag Queen Story Hour event was taking place, though local prosecutors plan to try again against Afshin Yaghtin. Yaghtin, who preaches at Spokane’s New Covenant Church, attempted to enter South Hill Public Library on June 15 to pray for the children attending a Drag Queen Story Hour event that day. 500 Mom Strong founder Anna Bohach witnessed police intercept and arrest him. The Washington Times reported that Yaghtin was specifically arrested for refusing to move to a designated protest zone, which he objected was farther away from the library than where pro-LGBT protesters were allowed to gather. “He did not carry signs or preach, and he did not consider himself a protestor,” said the Pacific Justice Institute, which defended the pastor. “The police nevertheless ordered Yaghtin to leave the premises — otherwise open to the public — and go across ...

Parents are being groomed - by LGBT zealots

I saw a video recently of a young boy all dressed in drag from head to toe. He sashayed his little boy body onto the television studio stage amidst the wild applause of … a room full of parents. It was a famous morning talk show, and the celebrity hosts were gushing over this child-drag queen, without the slightest hesitation or reservation at all. He’s being hailed as a “trailblazer.” Every adult in the room was grinning and clapping and cheering this little boy in a long blonde wig, bright red lipstick, and a slinky dress. When he lay down on the floor in a dramatic, provocative pose, the adult crowd roared their approval. This young boy is becoming quite famous for his drag routine, and he says he loves to dress up in wigs, makeup, high heels, feather boas, and perform as his alter ego. His parents say they are proud he has “found his path in life.” This is Not Normal or Good I don’t really want to talk about this boy, because he is a child, and I’ve no wish to hurt him...

USA is clearly divided over immoral homosexuality

Older LGBT Community (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Nearly half of Americans and 64% of those who identify as LGBT allies say they are more likely to spend money with brands that are LGBT inclusive, according to a new survey from Ogilvy . The study found that the opposite was true as well — nearly half of Americans and a majority of allies said they would avoid purchasing products and services from companies they perceived as not supporting the LGBT community .  The country is divied. But the secular immoral push has now been taken up by immoral money driven comapanies.  CEOs are delving into activism . Apple CEO and homosexual Tim Cook has received praise as the first openly gay CEO of a Fortune 500 company and other executives are opening up about sexuality as well. On Monday dozens of companies, including Alphabet 's Google , Microsoft , CBS , and Viacom .  But if you speak out against the left leaning LGBTQI zealots you loose your job. The country i...

LGBT community celebrates 8-year-old drag queen. Critics call it child abuse

The bawdy, homosexuality-infused world of female impersonators is  celebrating  an eight-year-old Montreal boy who performs as a “drag queen” under the stage name “Lactatia.” But pro-family critics say his parents and all adults who encourage the boy to participate in the lewd shows are guilty of “ child abuse .” Thanks to “gay” media, the cross-dressing boy, Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden, is becoming a social media star after appearing on stage in late May with vulgar drag queen “ Bianca Del Rio ” at the Montreal stop of the  "Werq the World Tour."  Del Rio tells Nemis — wearing red eye-liner, lipstick, painted nails, a curly, blond wig and dressed in a black woman’s gown with sequins — that he is “[f—k—g] adorable.” Social conservatives outraged Like every other pro-family advocate shown the video of young Nemis in “drag,”  Illinois Family Institute  cultural writer Laurie Higgins was aghast at the specter of a young boy embracing the “drag...

‘Playful’ Irish LGBT-positive play teaches 7-year-olds to bend gender

An Irish theater company has created a pro- LGBT play specifically geared towards youngsters ages 7-13 with the goal of remolding a child’s conception of the human person as either male or female.  Titled “ Aunty Ben ,” the play tells the story of a nine-year-old primary student named Tracey who one day brings her school friends home to meet her exciting and fun-loving “Aunty Ben,” only to have the friends react negatively as they encounter a biological male decked-out in women’s clothing . As the story progresses, Tracey’s friends learn to overcome their negativity toward “Aunty Ben.” “Tracey loves her Aunty Ben. It doesn't matter to her that Aunty Ben is actually her uncle, or that he is a Drag Queen , because in Tracey’s family dressing up is for everyone!” reads an online description of the play from the theater  company’s website . “‘Aunty Ben’ is a colourful and playful exploration of gender, family, love and happiness, for young audiences aged 7+.” The play ma...