Gay-activist pastor accused of sexually abusing a teen set free by judge

A Nova Scotia judge has acquitted Canada ’s most prominent homosexual-activist pastor of charges that he sexually abused a 16-year-old boy, despite acknowledging in his ruling the “likelihood or even a probability that some sexual activity happened in the bedroom.” Judge Alan Tufts acquitted Toronto gay-pastor Brent Hawkes in a case going back to the 1970s after concluding that the complainant ’s testimony did not hold up to scrutiny, and that there were “significant inconsistencies” in the testimony of the witnesses. “In the end, it is not clear what happened in the bedroom that evening 41 years ago. It is easy to speculate, but that is something that is not permitted here,” he wrote in his 59-page decision given on Tuesday. Tufts ruled that while “there is a likelihood or even a probability that some sexual activity happened in the bedroom, possibly between the accused and [the complainant],” he was “not convinced of that beyond a reasonable doubt.” “For that reason ...