Rainbow Flag Sparked Controversy Notre Dame Catholic University

Rainbow stickers have been twice ripped down at an Australian university. LGBT pride flag is not welcome on a Catholic campus . Two rainbow flag stickers were first put up on the Notre Dame Student Association (NDSA) office and boardroom windows at the Catholic university 's Fremantle campus earlier this year. “We took it upon ourselves to do stuff for our LGBTIQ students , because there was nothing," president Dylan Gojak. Gojak is homosexual and stands against Catholic teaching but wants the benefits of the Catholic University. At the end of February, the stickers were ripped down. The NDSA put them back up. Last Wednesday, they were ripped down a second time. Gojak like most LGBTQ people are arrogant and demand their rights or else...... The stickers have prompted complaints to university management arguing the "divisive" rainbow flag has no place on campus. Gojak was initially asked by a senior staff member to take down the stickers after complaints were...