Lesbian Witches aggressively confront a Black Hermit Monk

A monk has admitted witnessing the gospel to two lesbian witches , saying "Historically, we used to burn people like you, that was wrong. Today we call you to repent of our sin, and receive Christ and no longer live in deception." Damon Kelly , 53, from St Patrick's Church in Corby, Northamptonshire , posts Biblical leaflets opposed to the sin of homosexuality . He is part of a Roman Catholic group called the Black Hermits. One partner of a same-sex couple received one of the leaflets and aggressively confronted the monk in the street, according to The Telegraph . She argued with Monk, and verbally abused him. Kelly said nothing. After 15 minutes of verbal intimidating abuse. At Leicester Magistrates Court, Nigel Chapman, for the prosecution, said after the women shoved the leaflet into Kelly he told them to: "Keep it. You will find freedom from your sin." When one of the women defended the couple's immoral sexuality and ugly pagan beliefs the cou...