Australia: Attorney-general George Brandis - the man who defied God

History condemns Attorney-general George Brandis who has told young gay Australians the great lie the great false narratice "there is nothing wrong with you" in a speech supporting immoral homosexual marriage in the Australian Senate . On Tuesday morning, Brandis brought to an end speeches from over 50 senators as part of the debate on a immoral homosexual marriage bill that parliamentarians expect to pass. Brandis said the passage of the bill will "demolish the last significant bastion of legal discrimination against people on the grounds of their sexuality". "At last, Australia will no longer be insulting gay people by saying: different rules apply to you," he said. "After centuries of prejudice, discrimination, rejection and ridicule, [this bill] is both an expiation for past wrongs and a final act of acceptance and embrace." Brandis has misunderstood history and why homosexuality has always been an issue in history. God clea...