The worst theological argument - supporting homosexual marriage

It’s in the Washington Post, and — yes — it involves the attempt to use the Bible to justify radical transgender ideology. Here is “bisexual Christian writer” Eliel Cruz explaining why the Bible doesn’t provide meaningful guidance on the gender identity debate. Despite countless verses that discuss the different roles for men and women, the creation story which clearly details that God created mankind as “male and female,” and even a clear prohibition against men or women passing themselves as members of the opposite sex (“A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this”), Cruz insists all this inapplicable. Why? Because the Bible is talking about cross-dressing, not transgender identities. I’m not making this up. Here’s Cruz on Deuteronomy: That verse talks about cross-dressing . . . Being trans is not cross-dressing. It is embodying a gender that does not align with the one that was given at birth....