Even Family Members Should Boycott Gay Weddings

Christians should not attend a same-sex wedding — even of their own child — because it signals "moral approval" of the union, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary said in a new book. Boycotting weddings of gay friends and loved ones will be excruciatingly difficult, the Rev. Albert Mohler wrote in We Cannot Be Silent, which goes on sale Oct. 27. "At some point, attendance will involve congratulating the couple for their union," he wrote. "If you can't congratulate the couple, how can you attend?" Even if scientists prove people are born gay, the "sinfulness of homosexuality" would not be eliminated because human sin taints the world, Mohler said in addressing other topics of sexual identity. He contended that transgender people who are "saved" should consult with their pastors about whether to have surgery to return to their original gender. Mohler, a prolific blogger, speaker and podcaster, is no strange...