IRS plays coy on revoking tax-exempt status of orgs that oppose same-sex ‘marriage’

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK , August 11, 2015 – The Supreme Court decision not only legalizing same-sex "marriage," but finding it an enforceable constitutional right, has raised concerns among Christian churches, charities, and educational institutions about government enforcement of that newly discovered right. Those churches and church organizations that support natural marriage may come under persecution by the federal government, most immediately in the form of the revocation of tax-exempt status . This feared revocation would mean not only that contributions to churches would no longer be tax-deductible, but also that churches may be assessed large property taxes, or even have to pay taxes on contributions, which would financially cripple most Christian organizations. Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt reflected those concerns in a letter he wrote to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen . Pruitt asked whether organizations could be targeted for denial of their tax-exemp...