
Showing posts with the label Jewish Christians

Gay and the Bible (Romans)

Image via Wikipedia Author Elodie Ballantine Emig Romans 1:26,27 is perhaps the most difficult passage in the Bible for pro-gay, revisionist theologians.  Not only does it appear to condemn male homosexuality, but lesbianism as well. So too, revisionists cannot dismiss it as being part of the Old Testament Law, subsequently fulfilled in Christ. Nor can they write it off as part of a “vice list” which Paul may have borrowed and with which he may not have been in entire agreement.  Taken at face value, in Romans 1 we find Paul’s pronouncement that homosexuality is both shameful and unnatural. Before we examine the revisionist reactions to and interactions with the passage, however, we must turn to introductory matters. It is useful to know that Paul had not planted the church in Rome. Although he knew some of the Roman Christians (see chapter 16), he did not have the intimate relationship with them that he had with the recipients of his other letters.  Romans is the least occasional of