
Showing posts with the label Kara Young

Rhode Island to become 10th state to allow immoral homosexual 'marriage'

PROVIDENCE, RI, April 26, 2013 ( ) – Rhode Island is poised to become the 10 th state to approve same-sex “marriage.” The Rhode Island State Senate Wednesday voted 26-12 in favor of a bill redefining marriage to include homosexual couples. The vote came after the House overwhelmingly approved the measure in January, and after Senate President Teresa Paiva-Weed , a Democrat who opposes same-sex “marriage,” nonetheless allowed the bill to come to the floor for a vote. The bill will now go back to the House for a perfunctory vote before being forwarded to Gov. Lincoln Chafee for his signature. The governor has previously expressed his support for the bill. Gov. Lincoln Chafee Once signed, the bill will take effect August 1. After that date, civil unions will no longer be available to same-sex couples in Rhode Island, only marriage. However, the state will continue to recognize existing civil partnerships that have been formed since the state approved civ...