Canadian man legally changes gender to save $1,000 on car insurance

An anonymous car shopper in Alberta known only as “David” isn’t transgendered, but pretending to be helped him save a lot of money on his car insurance. Earlier this month CBC News spoke with David , who explained how he came up with the idea while shopping for a new Chevrolet Cruze. His insurance company told him it would come with a premium of about $4,500 per year due to previous tickets and a collision. If he was a woman, he learned, that cost would only be $3,400. "I was pretty angry about that. And I didn't feel like getting screwed over any more," said David, who was 23 at the time. "So I asked them to change my gender on my auto policy, and she's like, we can't do that." So David told his doctor “I’d like to identify as a woman.” The doctor wrote him a note confirming his decision, which he then submitted to Alberta’s provincial government (which has since made it even easier to legally change genders). A few weeks later, it sent him a new, fe...