Traditional Marriage and Dissent

“The Two Shall Become One Flesh” , the most recent statement from Evangelicals and Catholics Together , seeks to explain what marriage is and why it matters for the church and for society today. The Evangelicals and Catholics Together initiative has been controversial through the years. Because these signers do not represent all evangelicals or all Catholics , some have dismissed the relevance of these statements, while others have warned of ecumenical compromise, whether evangelicals diminishing the importance of sola Scriptura and justification by faith, or Catholics diluting their church-centered, sacramental view of salvation. For the purposes of this blog, I want to bypass the ongoing debate about ECT and comment on their newest statement on marriage. I’ve already seen several sensational news headlines about this statement (“evangelicals and Catholics unite to condemn gay marriage as worse than divorce,” etc) that miss both the tone and the substance of what Christians over ...