Southern Baptists floundering against LGBT agenda, pro-family forces keep fighting

In April 2017, Rev. Tom Littleton of Alabama gave a chilling talk on "How the LGBT movement is infiltrating conservative churches" at the MassResistance Citizen Action Conference in Austin, TX. For over a decade, he pointed out, the national LGBT movement has been funding a multi-million-dollar under-the-radar subversive campaign in Southern states to push the homosexual movement into conservative Christian churches. And they've been shockingly successful. But an even bigger goal has been to infiltrate and subvert the overall Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the largest Christian denomination in the South and the second largest in North America (after the Catholic Church). This year that goal has become frighteningly close to reality. The events surrounding the 2018 Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting, held June 12-13 in Dallas, shocked many conservatives. At the 2018 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Dallas. Over 10,00...