Australia: Catholic University stands for its own morals

Teachers at the medical school of Notre Dame University have to commit to teach under a code of standards that bans contraception, describes abortion as “the deliberate killing of an innocent human life” and reserves the right to refuse IVF to gay couples. The school, which is based in Sydney and Fremantle and receives federal funding, lists as an “essential selection criteria” for teachers a “commitment to teaching in the context of the Code of Ethical Standards for Catholic Health and Aged Care Services in Australia’’. This code advises contraception is not permissible, healthcare facilities should resist pressure to offer prenatal testing, as it is futile because abortion is not banned even in the case of abnormalities, and gay and unmarried couples should not have access to IVF. On the topic of abortion and contraception, it states that “such procedures, treatments and medications are morally wrong because they involve the direct and deliberate killing of an innocent human li...