LGBT activists slammed scientist as a ‘homophobe.’ Now a judge is making them apologize

An appellate court upheld a lower-court decision that the LGBTQ association Pracownia Różnorodności defamed scientist Dr. Paul Cameron and ordered the group to publish an apology. Cameron was happy with the verdict handed down Thursday. His Family Research Institute publishes empirical research on homosexuality. “I am interested in whether the gays will apologize as widely as they defamed me,” he said. “It is good to finally get justice in a court of law. I am so tired of gays' lies being taken as truth.” Dr. Cameron is an American psychologist, researcher and clinician specializing in sexual social policy. He is one of the world's most prolific scientists on the topic. Cameron published the first random sample comparing heterosexuals and homosexuals that documented the abbreviated lifespan of homosexuals. His published research also covers homosexual parenting. Cameron visited Poland on numerous occasions to speak at universities and other venues...