America’s largest teachers union is run by radical, pro-gay extremists. Here’s proof

They're ba-a-ack. The NEA (National Education Association) just held its annual meeting with policy actions that once again border on sedition and lunacy. But maybe it's desperation. Justice-minded teachers and parents cheered at the recent Janus U.S. Supreme Court decision , knowing that it will likely end compulsory union fees charged by the National Education Association. The powerful far-left NEA is likely to lose at least 10% or more of its members as teachers no longer have to fork over fees to the union to get a job, and thereby financially support Democratic Party candidates as well as anti-life and anti-family issues. The decision is a huge win for First Amendment-lovers, conservatives, and non-radical teachers, those who mostly remained silent in recent years as "LGBTQ" and pro-abortion agendas tyrannized many public schools. The NEA muscle is one of the biggest reasons for this corruption of truth. Maybe the unions' dominance will lessen as its bl...